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Our Own Enemy

University Project

Our Own Enemy aims to take you on a journey showcasing a series of stressful scenarios and its toxic effect on organs in human body. Experimenting with distorted typography and vibrant colour schemes, creating tension between stress factors and organs, connecting you & the design with heartfelt relatable moments, as well as alarming you on how stress damages your organ system. To help people relieve the stress, some everyday objects’ uses are altered as a humorous approach to help people re-imagine everyday objects to break the norm and have a laugh! 


When you sense the stress, your

heart pumps faster as stress

hormones cause blood vessels to

constrict and divert more oxygen


to your muscles in order to have

strength to take action. Chronic

& frequent stress will cause a

possible stroke or heart attack.

Series of Stress Posters 

Being stressed can make you

breathe harder, it leads to wear or

tear of the lungs, your body also

releases adrenaline which expands


the air passage into our lungs

to take up more oxygen causing

potential overextension, which can result in hyperinflated lungs.


Studies show that being stressed

out increases gut motility and

fluid secretion, which is the reason

why you get diarrhea or urges to


to your muscles in order to have

strength to take action. Chronic

& frequent stress will cause a

possible stroke or heart attack.

Stress can worsen existing eye

problems or cause new illnesses.

Under stressful situations, pupils

dilate to increase awareness


but it causes tightening and

rapid twitching of eye muscles

that turns into eye diseases and

extreme eye discomfort.


Comedy Relief Cues 

Crying goggles image.jpg
Screaming pillow - image.jpg

Adopting an irregular approach, incorporating everyday objects that is unusual for stress relief, in hopes to make people to have a laugh and not forget about small things in life. 

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